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| .. in English: Welcome!   |
| This is personal Site of Boštjan Štupica. |
| Contact data is provided below.           |
| .. in Slovensko: Pozdravljeni. |
| Moja Internetna stran. Simpl, a ne :-)   |
| Kontaktni podatki so navedeni spodaj.    |

| Contact data / Kontaktni podatki:
| eMail       : bostjan [a+] stupica.com;
| Mobile      : +386 4I 959-884;
| Skype       : bostjan.stupica;
| LinkedIn    : public profile;
| GitHub      : GitHub profile;
| GitHub Pages: .. my page on GitHub;
| UlrTr.ee    : public .. on short;
| dev.to      : public .. on short;
| CV          : .. ask;
| ..
    eMail Certificate
    state Certificate

      Share with me via Dev404.Nextcloud

| What am I doing:
| On short .. general life stuff.
| .. for bussines, I'm a developer and system administrator.

|  Portal  |
|  Links  |
|    .    |

© by Boštjan Štupica - All rights reserved.